Song sergeant full version
Song sergeant full version

song sergeant full version

When the fighting begins, it's really breathless by that I mean, there is one central action set piece when many of the Zulu warriors break through the ranks and threaten the inner compound, including the officer in command. I can't imagine the film with anything different.


I even had the privilege of seeing this on a theater screen once about 20 years ago and I was suitably blown away, even knowing the story beforehand (nowadays, a DVD on a big screen TV is your best bet). I've seen this film many times as a kid and, of course, these were standard TV showings I didn't know better, it was one of my favorite films of all time, regardless, but it's twice as glorious in proper aspect ratio. Who can forget that simple act of turning over a wagon? The photography is superb, capturing the vastness of the area, and should be seen in widescreen glory. There are numerous sequences where Endfield manages to drive home a point that sticks in your mind for days - maybe years. And it's not just the suspense the drama here is very effective. Now we no longer need wonder what 8000 feet on soil sound like. The soldiers hear a strange sound in the distance, "like a train" notes Caine. Cy Endfield, the director, manages to build some heady suspense before even the awesome battle scenes. Here, the soldiers find out very quickly what they're made of. The film seems to say, when the moment comes, no man really knows what he will do until it is upon him. The film never delves into the reasons, psychological or other, of why the commanding officer is determined to remain, beyond just the statement that he holds the "queen's commission." It's a question that baffles the missionary (Hawkins, usually the stiff English officer in other films) who begs them all to leave. By rights, they should beat a hasty retreat before the approaching army arrives. This film really gives new meaning to the saying 'keep a stiff upper lip' - or 'never say die.' The British soldiers here, led by Lieutenants played by Baker & Caine, know full well the force coming against them they know what has already occurred. The battle follows a previous one, less than a day before, in which about 1200 British soldiers lost. The whole scene and the lead-up with the pheasant story serves to reinforce what we've known about Basie all along: that he can be cold and callous in his desire to survive the war.A magnificent recreation of one of the most incredible battles in history, Zulu depicts how less than 100 British soldiers held off an army of 4000 Zulu warriors. Basie is unconvinced, saying that one of the Japanese soldiers threw a grenade. One of the American POWs tells Basie that the man stepped on a mine.

song sergeant full version

When they run back out after being shot at by the Japanese, one of them dies from an explosion. In an earlier scene, a small band of Chinese people run into the POW camp and start stealing from one of the prisoners' gardens. Jim was a part of the plan to find an escape route through the wire and the marsh beyond it. Remember, one of Basie's plans throughout the second half of the story is his desire to escape. Basie wanted to see if the area between the camp and the airfield had been laced with land mines to keep the prisoners from escaping. The story about there being pheasant beyond the barbed wire surrounding the camp and Basie making traps was a ruse.

Song sergeant full version