Time zone conversion
Time zone conversion

time zone conversion

There are better solutions where people are importing a table of GMT offsets from excel spreadsheets, or by querying a web service, since powerBI is able to query web. TimeZoneOffsetAEST = if createdNum >= 2017093016 and createdNum = 2018100616 and createdNum = 2019100516 and createdNum = 2020100316 and createdNum < 2021040317ĬreatedInAEST = DateTimeZone.SwitchZone(DateTimeZone.From(),Number.FromText(timeZoneOffsetAEST),0)

time zone conversion time zone conversion

AEST time: get the offset depending on whether it's daylight savings time or not (GMT+11 or GMT+10) by looking at the DST change-over times in GMT 0 & Text.PadStart(Number.ToText(Time.Hour()), 2, "0"),ĬreatedNum = Number.FromText(createdString), & Text.PadStart(Number.ToText(Date.Day()), 2, "0")

time zone conversion

& Text.PadStart(Number.ToText(Date.Month()), 2, "0") Let createdString = Number.ToText(Date.Year()) Convert "Created" date from UTC to AEST The below will take the "Created" date in UTC, get the GMT offset based on the DST change-over dates in UTC for my region, and then pass that into DateTimeZone.SwitchZone to get the "Created" date in AEST.

  • Add a new column, and specify the m query below.
  • This is what i did for a quick and simple converstion of a UTC column to a new AEST column, taking DST into consideration: It's unfortunate that there's no proper native support for converting between timezones.

    Time zone conversion